A Personal History
the beginnings of Myself
Growing up wearing a leg-brace caused others to think that they needed to help me.
But NO! I would do it MySelf! Thus my childhood nickname.
When I began exploring “Self Portraiture as Medicine” I began to see patterns in my self portraits showing up as my shadow super-imposed onto the elements of nature.
Whether the shadow of my hand double-exposed onto a spring bloom of California Lilac at 5,000 feet or my shadow long and tall and lean at sunset, I began to see how, throughout my life, MySelf! exemplified my strength and courage and persistence in navigating this handicap.
I saw this person I had become—strong, independent, accomplished and most of all, filled with an amazing abundance of joy in being alive.
Aah! Joy of being alive! I began to utilize the brilliance of southeastern Arizona’s sunlight combined with MySelf as my shadow to capture the energy of this joy. Thus my self portraits emanate a kind of glow of this energy captured. The energy of this joy that so moves me to be more, do more and feel more.
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MySelf is a strong and powerful image of sparkle and light that emanates a joy of being alive. This outstretched palm, strong and knowing, is illuminated against the starlike background, giving me a deep perspective into MySelf and her place in the Cosmos.
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Next: Myself’s journey through the challenges of hiking to the top of a glacier, down the Black Canyon of the Gunnison River, over house-sized boulder to bathing in a desert pool. Exploring courage and wisdom.