A Personal History

the beginnings of Myself

Growing up wearing a leg-brace caused others to think that they needed to help me.

But NO! I would do it  MySelf!  Thus my childhood nickname.

When I began exploring “Self Portraiture as Medicine” I began to see patterns in my self portraits showing up as my shadow super-imposed onto the elements of nature.

Whether the shadow of my hand double-exposed onto a spring bloom of California Lilac at 5,000 feet or my shadow long and tall and lean at sunset, I began to see how, throughout my life, MySelf! exemplified my strength and courage and persistence in navigating this handicap.

I saw this person I had become—strong, independent, accomplished and most of all, filled with an amazing abundance of joy in being alive.

Aah! Joy of being alive! I began to utilize the brilliance of southeastern Arizona’s sunlight combined with MySelf as my shadow to capture the energy of this joy. Thus my self portraits emanate a kind of glow of this energy captured. The energy of this joy that so moves me to be more, do more and feel more.

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MySelf is a strong and powerful image of sparkle and light that emanates a joy of being alive. This outstretched palm, strong and knowing, is illuminated against the starlike background, giving me a deep perspective into MySelf and her place in the Cosmos.

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Next: Myself’s journey through the challenges of hiking to the top of a glacier, down the Black Canyon of the Gunnison River, over house-sized boulder to bathing in a desert pool. Exploring courage and wisdom.


IreneSofia is a self-taught graphic artist.

She is passionate about using conceptual self-portraiture as medicine to go deep into her belief systems and release those those which no longer serve her. Thus, to live in the joy of being alive!

Through this exploratory process, she realized that, although she’s lived with a physical handicap almost her entire life, she has always been a dancer. Her Dancer Series is a result of this work. Trained in the Nia Technique she is now an avid dancer, dancing through life with her husband in their passive solar home in the Sonoran/Chihauhuan desert of southeastern Arizona.


Polio & Me