
Surrendering to joy

The desert morning’s sunlight shone from behind onto the ephemeral bloom of A White Flowering Cactus. It surrendered in full Joy to the sensations of life. As it surrendered to itself , so did I.

Surrendering to Joy is a transformative act of embracing the beauty and exhilaration of this experience; this gift I’ve been given called life.

“My surrender is a conscious choice to relinquish control and open my heart to the energy of this Joy!”

White Flowering Cactus

I surrender to the joy in my life. Letting go of all illusions’ illusion.

I’ve had to be in control of so much in my life. How did I come to accept this condition as a child? I had plenty of love to give me the self-confidence to be the strong and courageous child, but at what point did I see that I needed to be in control of so much. In control of how I handled pain; how I overcame hiking with a fused ankle and weakened leg; how I ran a successful business for 40 years.. Control has been a central part of my survival with polio.

Self Portraiture As Medicine has helped me heal by surrendering to Joy. This image releases the weight of all past injustices in my life and keeps me in the present moment. That is where I capture the energy of this Joy onto film!

Double-exposure; Hipstamatic App on iPhone 13 (lens John S/film Love 81)



IreneSofia is a self-taught graphic artist.

She is passionate about using conceptual self-portraiture as medicine to go deep into her belief systems and release those those which no longer serve her. Thus, to live in the joy of being alive!

Through this exploratory process, she realized that, although she’s lived with a physical handicap almost her entire life, she has always been a dancer. Her Dancer Series is a result of this work. Trained in the Nia Technique she is now an avid dancer, dancing through life with her husband in their passive solar home in the Sonoran/Chihauhuan desert of southeastern Arizona.




Electric Joy